Friday, February 24, 2017

Nitaqat the same company 33 Nepalese

March 13- 33 Nepalis stranded Nitaqat a company. Nitaqat Al alavana kantrayaktina and mentinensa employed Nepalese 6 months to work and salaries are. District Development Committee on Friday they conducted Udaypur secure immigration information and counseling centers have asked for the phone and be saved. Contributed by the light through online |

Tek Bahadur Tamang Furthermore deceased stranded 4 Udaipur, Bal Bahadur Gurung of Dhading, including 5 of suffocating municipal 2, Kavrepalanchok Koharlpur Tamang, Kanchanpur Krishnapur municipal 2 Dipendra Bahadur Khadka, including 33 of the information they can provide.

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