Sunday, May 21, 2017

Lai kahillai progress to advance women speak didainana

Mr Lai also worse when his speaking voice Hepher speak any word that Mr. Lai kahillai progress to advance women speak didainana

Mr. Lai is not to frighten
Love can be easily seduced.

Datta Bhagatpur 1 9-year-old municipal -18 jayakisanasamga 13 years of age, a child's dream was to marry. While still in grade 8 in 2063 on January 25 he was married. "What is marriage? After the wedding, husband and wife did not realize how should I say, 'he said,' Sir, I simply alcohol, worked so well that not even marriage. "But nowadays, started sending class 9 to 14 years of age, pregnant dream. 15 years old, gave birth to a son. A few years later, her husband passed away.

This was the last community in Chaudhary of Kailali hasuliyaki sapanaki mother strives to police the capital would Tharka Airy Police havaldarasamga married. However, when both were against inter-caste marriage, saying that villagers came Kailali.
There caumalamai couple of Kailali dream was born. Parental love-love unloved childhood dream house with Uncle passed hasuliyasthita. Class 3 DARCHULA go up to 8th grade reading uncle at home, she had read his mind.
Remembering dreams are approaching, "said a river respite from school, I did not know how to swim. During the rainy season, and school friends dress my book gave the river m ¥ UNDP, and I went to school. "The child was born, a dream wedding at an early age she exclaimed upbringing more busy.


  1. बुधिमानी श्रीमती ले लोग्ने लाई राजा सम्मान गर्छिन र आफू पनि रानी भयेर बस्छिन !र मूर्ख श्रीमती ले लोग्ने लाई नोकर बनाउछिन अनि आफू नोकर को श्रीमती भयेर बस्छन,

  2. १७ हजार लाइक भएको बिचारलाइ मार्क जुगरले पुरस्कार दिनु पर्यो ! उत्कृष्ट बिचारको कदर गर्न पर्छ |
