-3 9 of 37 cancer and HIV-AIDS infection was seen in monkeys. The University first group 12, the second 11 and third 16 monkeys were studied. According to 17 were male and 22 female monkeys. Tropical and Infectious Disease Hospital researchers quoting Shukraraj Clinical Research Unit coordinator. According to Nepal, Sher Bahadur Pun monkey bites pursue cancer and HIV-AIDS are at high risk.
Nepalako not afraid of people, Pashupati and Swayambhu Monkey. Instead come to attack people. In such cases, the body of man or his blood cithoryo man moved not at any time if there is no cancer, HIV, AIDS, other diseases ÷ can move, "said the researchers quoted Dr. Pun said.
New virus risk
Any animal bite or monkey wounds for tetanus needle is worn. Rabies has found that the needle wear. However, during the investigation, even different kinds of monkeys in Nepal in high-risk virus found Dr. Pun said.
Herpesa B virus: The virus encephalitis is highly risk. The mortality rate was 60 percent in men is seen.
Siminiyama 40 virus: a monkey virus found in the urine excessive in this case. 3 9 of 35 siminiyama monkey virus was found in 40. This virus has been found to play an important role in cancer take.
Siminiyama phomiga virus: This virus will move the monkey bites pursue ¥ saliva or cithorda. The virus associated with cancer and HIV ÷ edsasamga the Nepalese monkeys 9 7 percent. The doctors said that this is a serious problem.
Simina imunodiphisinsi virus: It also move the monkey bites or monkey blood does. AIDS has also improved the appearance of this virus as a man is considered.
Rabies virus: This virus has been seen in monkeys in Nepal. However, so far no data were killed. Therefore, vaccination is not rebijaviruddhako. "Not being there that, once a vaccine is needed when many people bitten," Dr. Pun said.
The city more problems apes
DR. Pun village more than the city of apes, said problem. Pashupati route to hospital and svamyabhuka nearly bitten by the monkey man, he said. Such serious problems of human health and the monkey tokekoma he said. 'Temple monkeys are very surly. They can bite a man walking on the road at any time. These monkeys cancer and HIV, the AIDS virus has found ÷. So bamdarasamga day to avoid a flirtatious and food, "Dr. Pun said the new magazine.
Daily Five Shukraraj hospital patients
Five patients bitten by the monkey to reach the hospital have daily dengue. Most of those bitten by the monkey in Swayambhu and Pashupati Dr. Pun said. 'Monkey bites someone did not know this illness. We also have patients to wear rabies injection only. However, all of this research has made a thought-provoking, "he said. Do not have an immediate impact in the long term as it is affected, he said.
Monkeys and humans the same disease: vanyajantuvijna
Dr. vanyajantuvijna. War is the same disease of monkeys and humans by Mukesh said. "Pashupati and svamyabhuka monkeys are of the same type. Swayambhu and Pashupati and number nine squares are Monkey. Indeed, in terms of the number of very many. The management of the government pursue, "he said the new magazine. Pashupati capacity of 50 monkey diet and lack of Swayambhu nine hundred monkeys when they attack the man and the man's risk of disease transmission, he said.
"Even monkeys like a man should worms, ringworm in various parts of the body visible, fever, pneumonia, diarrhea, cancer, HIV-AIDS infection does," Dr. War is said, 'tetanoid monkey also, it does not have any effect on the monkeys, and apes person in the sense that some time a man dies. "
This research was
Pashupati and Swayambhu hold separate sitting monkeys were tested. The reason for issuing food to come around the temple monkeys was easy to research. Monkey urine, blood, saliva test has been Dr. ¥. Pun said. The only check up monkey bites of cancer and HIV-AIDS risk is detected. Nepal monkey AIDS virus due to cancer and HIV ÷ Washington University researcher warned to be alert Pun said.

What type of English is this.... 😂😂😂😂😂