Sunday, February 26, 2017

The plight of children around the lack of parents

Feb 15, 2073- After a second marriage mother Cowley 4, raksiranaki 11-year-old range is the responsibility of caring for the planning and 4 brothers. However, no food at home. So the brothers had little to feed herself. The father of the sun to go to work in another. He had no love for the little bhitryaepachi lalabalale.

More 2-year-old younger brother have surged right foot fire kiln persecution. Treatments have not. Failure to take him to the hospital received treatment through the skin has been great. Arkesamga her mother Savitri November. "With no brothers shepherd my mother," he said, "are all small, pour out of trouble at night during sleep younger brother, his right leg is roasted. 'He said to treat a penchant unfinished. Yemen Brother 9 years, 6 years old, and my sister Lakshmi Susan 4 years old. Economic conditions and the lack of house vidyalayanajika have not read one. The youngest mother and father do not really care. 'Home cooked millet and maize flour and feed himself when, "he said," when we should sometimes not. "
Fire burns leg pain at night and cries waste Bhuvan. 'Kanchiamaka do not have children, "he said," but there are always amaba firewood.' Mother 'poila' last 3 months bring lots of Bishnu kanchiama father. She had left a small child came not return to the mother. "Now is not food to eat at home," she said, "There is a famine 6 months, this time not enough food." He wanted to treat her brother. He has read the mind. However, not close to the school. City, not to spend the marketplace to read. 3 hours attending school, the brothers are not watching. House is unkempt. Do not wear good clothes.
"I was so busy in the house, carrying a little brother yamanale villagers wander," he said, "but the wounds have a problem with that, no treatment, we found that it would be all right, brother. 'Ventured poila villagers tried to bring her mother to see children suffer. He whose. "As children poila mother was powerless," said a local beauty Chepangs, "raichin cruel mother, young children Magar pain just went."

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