Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The new power of Nepal and the Central Executive Council member Solokhumbu coordinator Uttam Kumar

KATHMANDU, March 17. KATHMANDU: CPN-UML SOLUKHUMBU contact the project coordinator of the new power Solukhombu Nepal and the CPN-UML Central Executive Council members have entered Uttam Kumar Basnet.
UML General Secretary Ishwar Pokharel her party entered the central office at a special ceremony dhumbarahima. 50 people with him, the parties have entered into the party. Solukhumbuko leftist movement contributed a long time the best Basnet, including UML general secretary of the party, including party leaders aeeka everyone to welcome them.
Sign party president and central executive member of the program, Solukhombu best Basnet parties have announced their divorce.
Her UML, who joined Pemba gelje Sherpa kharikhola, phurinji Sherpa, sonachiri Sherpa, anachiri Sherpa, nimatendi Sherpa, Lakpa, tendi Sherpa, Mingma Chiri Sherpa, phugeljena Sherpa, lakpadorji Thapa Magar, Pasang Dawa Sherpa, nightmares, Dorjee Sherpa, Pemba janavu Sherpa, Sonam gyumena Sherpa, Pemba geljena Sherpa, Pemba vanachu Sherpa, Lakpa, Nuru Sherpa and Pasang, Sonam Sherpa, geljena nuru sherpa, recoil chonava Sherpa, Pasang geljena Sherpa, Fu, lopsana Sherpa, Karma geljena Sherpa, lopsana Sherpa, damai sarki Sherpa, rinjina nuru Sherpa, Rai ,, Kabir recoil Sonam Sherpa, Ang Dawa Sherpa, Sherpa phuchetara, datenji Sherpa, Pemba Sherpa nightmares, Lakpa claim, Sherpa, Lakpa Sherpa geljena, mark Rai, Mingma Chiri Sherpa, phurasona Sherpa, Sherpa Fury, Bishma, Raj Kulung Rai, daphuri Sherpa, phursana Sherpa, Sherpa Yangtze claim, damai Chiri Sherpa, nima rinji, Sherpa, Mingma Furi Sherpa, Sherpa geljena, Purna Bahadur Magar, Sherpa are ripened.

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