Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Bansu Gurung led the way around Mount Gurkha sayaaim aringala

The British East India Company army to att@ack the first time sindhuligadhima auada Gurung of Nepal led by army commander bansu Mount Gurkha come together in recognition of the way around the circle, and the way sayaaim aringalaka around Xi'an on nettles had hundreds.

When British forces came to the fort to att@ack the handiwork of the jungle path, the Gurkha Army at one time hundreds of red and black bow kaadale circle and threw the hornet. Hundreds of angry bite aringalaharule those professing the way around the British army said the d@ead nettles polai and several British army lives, fled arigalabata desperation.

Twenty-four hundred people came to the number of British Army and had received 800 Gurkha victory. It was the first defeat the British army in Asia. British troops invaded the professing 40/50 years did not dare.

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