Saturday, April 1, 2017

Deputy Chairman of the party on Tuesday and Local Development

KATHMANDU, April 18. Newly appointed Indian Ambassador to Nepal manjibhasinha whole se!cret plan has been revealed.

He came to be healthy for a week India Nepal assumed important "mission" to fulfill missions pokha is opened. The mission is: Hindu nation.

India and Nepal Affairs, Professor Dr. Newly appointed Indian Ambassador to Nepal Puri esadi Muni was registered again in Nepal is a Hindu country are openly lobbying revealed.

The social network Twitter, he writes, "Puri said the Indian Ambassador to Nepal is a Hindu nation has been advocated in the report. It is contrary to the Constitution of India and Nepal. This vijepiko line, India's me. '

Puri, Deputy Chairman of the party on Tuesday and Local Development Kamal Thapa met by a Hindu state and had serious concerns about the monarchy. Indian Prime Minister Narendra modisameta Nepal is a Hindu nation were to be in favor of the message he preached Thapa.

Puri had already decided to make the government itself to make a fast track project and it is still interested in India said they are looking for their presence.

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