Monday, March 27, 2017

Bhadrapur hospice room rented by some young girl took special notice

Bhadrapur, 13 April. Hospice watchman has been found that the collusion yaunadhandako run. Police raided Bhadrapur Jhapa mohapala dharmasalavata yaunadhandako marepachi run out from the event.

The approximately 40-year-old janitor working in hospice Bhadrapur 5 napilala Rajbamshi and local youth groups in traditional mutual dealings, classic surfing, police confirmed the s@x workers took control of it. Ward Police Office Bahadur Karki said a team led by ASI on Friday night, a 17-year-old girl from a local hospice raid took control of the finite public events.

The young woman took a few rooms rented Bhadrapur Hospice A special police raided the Ward Police Office, said Inspector Kul Prasad Chaudhary.

Police refused to open the gate guard Dharamshala Rajbangsi nagharera wall was raided. Police were informed about allergies in the door to ask three young successful woman, police said Dheeraj was found by a whole.

According to police sources, the woman lighted a thousand Bhadrapur Condition Kamati hospice was taken. Rajiv Roshan their sathiddhaya of incident and had also invited Kamati picky.

They are three of the young police statement, police said they had allergies Dheeraj arrested three youths in their home Saturday morning and found no increase of some feared that the police suspected that India has three.

To control the woman and the guard Rajbamshi vadale District Police Office has sent for further investigation. Police Office DSP Hari Prasad Sharma incident is under investigation and are searching for the absconding Young said.

Hotel and Lodge as a place of refuge than the Hospice Hospice young women to take this work group had also been serving the locals said.

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