Tuesday, March 28, 2017

While choosing the car will be brought up gifts!

I am a nurse by profession. But, when he lay ill or sick bedside place, and Nepal, hospital and treatment systems in small things that need great improvement I feel. So rather than a nurse Nepal Nepalese citizen General Hospital provide all the services and policy writing anything about him.

Some of my relatives when I get sick and the hospital is where my daddy is the run started. At that time, the hospital and many feel the marathon on the ground. Patients should be admitted if the file carrying kauntarasamma go, money, and again at the ward pharkiu sick. The paper took the drug and drug pharmesisamma go buy, buy medicine ward difference. Patients hungry, juice, if you feel like eating out of the hospital compound needed to buy goods and go back ward.

When seeing these sarbai our country teaching hospitals preventive measures to stay healthy and futility said. Patient hospitals only see patients and very ruddy kuruvalai am amazed to see policy. There are so sick of this sickness

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