Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Karki said the Congress meeting

KATHMANDU, 16 widen the local government unilaterally declared the election chances of winning the party stating that the Maoists do not combine the ruling Nepali Congress Central Working Committee meeting has been proposed to combine the Maoists. The Congress central member of the Gyanendra Bahadur Karki candidate Prakash on Monday, saying it was weak coordination at the local level the party to take the policy accordingly. "We do not suppose the situation is not in villages, UML has a strong hold. Now the residence is very hard to compete "said Karki, quoted a central member," said Lien Congress Maoist policy coordination in favor of the election results come Congress. "Karki this proposal, saying it could not be put any kamyunistaharusamga that combines other leaders did not concern it. Consider the conflicting parties need to combine hard to protect workers and the party that supports Maoist candidate could have a place to go to his party workers emaletira reason was other leaders. "These elections have not coordinate with others until Congress, the CPN-coordination of our workers can take more depressed and emaletirai 'Karki defense statement said the leaders of the other. Sincerely ring from July

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