Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Minister to meet with their access to the show and personal work

Subordinate to the Ministry of Health in various hospitals, health centers for the permanent allocation for the Public Service Commission took the exam. Test 2 hundred 2 doctors found a permanent appointment. The Ministry of Health has been appointed doctors to the health center to the district hospital in the villages Tokyo vacant. However, 28 of the doctor refused to supply the place to go. They are appointed in comfortable places are urging Health Minister Gagan Kumar Thapa.

Health sector policy and strategic leap ahead in planning minister Thapa had an example of this pressure. There are many demands on Thapa. However, such pressure pargeldai, kinarikrta Thapa long-term strategic planning is important before the courts. If successful implementation of the country's health sector, which is poised to blossoming. Pratap Thapa, Minister Poudel said counselor-law well-intentioned laws, policy-directory and trying to change the defects have come under pressure everywhere. "In spite of many pressures in the health sector, we have more important things, people do not even 20 percent of the information," Paudel said, "I started to give to the public must change policy samjhirahanechan Gagan Kumar Thapa."

Thapa and his team is committed to the health sector reform had gained access to the minister to show his personal work and to escape the pressure of those who took the meet on April 10 at 2 pm He was secretary working in another room. Nepal had a conversation saying, "Many cadres of the work force in those gherinuparcha, a decision that is not possible. So they came here
Needed to be. "

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