Monday, March 27, 2017

Nepal son called Baba would come when the TV is bought to bring states

Ncell, is a privately owned mobile network operator in Nepal. Ncell was the first private company to operate public GSM services in Nepal, initially under Mero Mobile brand, re-branded to Ncell on 12 March 2010.It broke the monopoly held by the then state-owned, now public telecommunication company Nepal Telecom. On 12 April 2016, Ncell has officially become a part of Axiata Group Berhad, a Malaysian telecommunications groupwith its rebranding on 16 August 2016.The company is owned in 80% by Axiata Group Berhad. Ncell is the largest ISP in Nepal with a subscriber base of more than 3 million users. Ncell has 14 million mobile subscribers as of August 2016.Ncell became a part of Axiata Group Berhad on 11 April 2016, when the Group bought 100% shares of Reynhold Holdings, which holds 80% shares of Ncell. On 21 December 2015 TeliaSonera accounced plans to sell its 60.4% ownership in Ncell to a Malaysian telecommunication conglomerate Axiata, with the deal expected to be completed in the first half of 2016.

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