Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The bus driver to leave the works

Giving up one's seat depends on many factors, one being the kind of vehicle one is in. Yet our readers feel that if the vehicles are not overcrowded like they are now, then the question of giving up one's seat will not arise.I have to travel by bus daily for my classes. And during my daily commute, I have witnessed senior citizens facing problems. In my view, it is just the upbringing of people that they do not want to offer their seats to senior citizens. They might have paid the fare but there is something in the world called 'humanity'. Moreover, it is not only the duty of young male passengers to give up their seats for others but also of the female passengers. The female passengers should try to offer and help seniors citizens with their seats. The public vehicles carry people indiscriminately and more than it can its capacity while compromising on the comfort and safety of the passengers. So, the number of buses should be increased for the safety and they should carry passengers as per its capacity so that no one including senior citizens suffer. Strict rules regarding the limitation of number of passengers should be made to avoid any accidents and such circumstances.

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