Saturday, March 4, 2017

If one activity does not accept svabhimanaviruddha country: Oli

Jhapa, March 21. UML leader KP Oli nation and nationality who gives orders against him, said the party would not accept.

Kakadvitta Saturday 'Mechi-Mahakali Campaign inaugurating Oli said that the party would not accept someone else's order except for the public. "The party considers the people only order ', he said," the party refuse to order one.' He said, 'Constitution himself, the law assumes, anyone outside of the Constitution kanunabhanda refuse wings.'

Unity and prosperity of the nation, saying he promises to make any efforts to weaken the nationality refused and failed to make it said.

"It is contrary to the Constitution to amend the constitution. Is contrary to fruition. Is contrary to the national interest ", Oli said," This proposal can not have the moral legitimacy of parliament and the people. "

He institutionalization of democracy and empower people to make the country prosperous and all the people of Nepal to pursue the campaign said. "It is the responsibility of the residence of the country to make. It is mahaabhiyana. UML than anyone else can not run ', Oli claimed.

The campaign started 44 years ago, Jhapa movement so lyaipugaeko said, "he said with Conceptual clarity, we have led. When drafting the constitution would not lead the party did not. "

He said that the Constitution institutionalized people's rights. "It will be implemented. Try not to allow the constitution was issued, "he said," we've lost. Now try to prevent the implementation has been. '

He has, 'our nation's interests, territorial integrity, prosperity trip is led by UML is. Arkotharile diversity here have tried to abuse. To prevent elections, to prevent implementation of the constitution, the establishment of democracy arkatharile have tried to prevent. "

He also alleged a group trying to egg violence. "None of us have the right to take away someone's not in the program to disrupt ', UML Chairman Oli said," no activity against the country's dignity does not accept him. "

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