Sunday, March 26, 2017

Mustang korala, adding that the two countries also came to pass

KATHMANDU - Nepal's northern neighborhood, China has initiated the implementation of the road network approach to strategy. Last year, India had imposed an undeclared expansion of trade relations with China nakabandipachi transport agreement with the government of China, 13, adding that the road to bring the news to the citizens of today.

According to the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport with China, adding that the strategic importance of 13 continues to build roads to connect. Tatopani, Kerung and korala open track, adding 10 points in the opening track is designed to work fast.

China has five border checkpoints within two years, five years and eight more hybrid road will start work in the Department of Roads and trade routes north-south expansion ayojanapramukha Sigdel said Gopal.

"China five years, two-lane road is making plans to drive vehicles", Sigdel said, "China's border to reach these roads are stemming Πstrategic honey. '

China is now only one Kerung-construct checkpoint is open. Facing off all goods imported from China via Tatopani behind the failed Kerung nakabatai are coming.

Mustang korala, adding that the two countries also came to pass on the operation of vehicles when in use did not have any issues.

Tatopani with China, Kerung, korala, Kimathanka, Mochu and Tinker major priority of the Department of border trade outlook said.

We have five offices of '13 priority ', Sigdel added.

Some 15 kilometers of track were opened, growing the KHANDBARI-Kimathanka 1 hundred 62 kilometers of the 70 kilometers left to dig. Similarly, Yari-Mochu 15 kilometers of track being open Sigdel said.

"The road vehicles, growing has become a way of coming," he said, even though the rest of '15 km ride a convoy of another rutabata. '

Track opened a new place where the upgraded track and being open, he said.

Similarly, a hundred and 12 kilometers of the 40 kilometers of Tinker DARCHULA-track 72 kilometers left open. The road has allocated Rs 40 million for the current fiscal year Sigdel said. There were 11 road 1 billion 26 million for 28 million is being allocated through the work.

The federal structure of the country as every province was built for attention is given. Kerung-Kathmandu route will connect the capital of appropriate business.

North-South trade routes, making the Department of the project office is working. China is not only to connect the north-south corridor linking China and India are also being constructed. Pass-construct the road connecting China border, connecting India and China hydropower, Karnali corridor, including the Nepal Army is working.

Arun Kosi river corridor savaged China's Tibetan city of Kimathanka is charged riuma. The government has allocated Rs 42 million for the Koshi Corridor is. Kimathanka Shigatse and Lhasa include a short distance. Koshi corridor Biratnagar-Itahari-Dhankuta-Leguwaghat-KHANDBARI reaches through the Kimathanka.

Tiplapasa China border road is being built to bring Taplejung-OKHALDHUNGA road. 9 5-kilometer long road has been opened 35 kilometers of track and 60 km section is under construction.

Lapci nakaantargata 25 miles Lamabagar-lapci Pillion 20 kilometers left to dig. Royalabhanjyana barrier to reach the Benighat-larkebhanjyana a hundred 62 km road has been opened 58 kilometers of track.

Sirdibasa checkpoint to reach 9 0 km, Marim Marim-Dunai road checkpoint to reach a hundred kilometers of track 35 kilometers 9 5 is opened. Uraipasa barrier to reach the cainapuru-urai (lock) the rest of the road a hundred 15 to 80 km according to the Department.

Pass-China border delivery trisuli-Mailung-the joint-construct roads for 35 million budget for the current fiscal year is.

The government of China last year Kerung-construct 82-kilometer road linking the lakes and within two years was given the responsibility of the host to make two transactions. The road continues to build. Marsyangdi river, the road to the capital tiraitira China will be the shortest road link. Vetravatisamma paved roads of the road to reach the joint construct Dhunche through with it.

Tibet Autonomous Region of China, the Chinese side that connects the construct offices worked with the last time has been used. Three kilometers of track in the last fiscal year, the Army opened a new track this year plans to open 15 km of syamprubesidekhi mailunasamma said.

China and India to open the rest of the track connecting hydropower Baglung district is also being constructed in the second section. 4 hundred and 35 kilometers connecting India and China hydropower Baglung only if the rest of the track is open.

In 2003, it was in operation until the korala checkpoint. Due to China's security vulnerabilities are intensified following recent gate is closed. Closed for a long time to open the border in 2013, the then Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai and Chinese Prime Minister Wen jiyabaobica agreement would also not been implemented.

Nepal China border road before him, adding that most of the infrastructure has already prepared sadakasahitaka. China boundary with Nepal's 15 districts, Manang and Dhading not only pass connecting the north.

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