Thursday, May 25, 2017

Be careful! Heart disease takes tonsils bigramda

Agency. If the tonsillitis infection can be felt in the neck dukhariko, fever and cough that can nimtina problem. In this case it looks red tonsils observed if the tonsils. In addition, there is a slippery 'mucus' or pipajasto padarthasameta may appear. However, no signs of infection, but such a large amount of the tonsils or mark does not appear. If the size is too large Sometimes tonsillitis instead. Home opened the back of the right and left tonsils chekine phyarinsako whited is almost stick to one another and are overshadowed. In such cases it is difficult to eat the same, talk the problem may be. Due to the daily work may awkward tansilakai even. Tonsillitis lack of care may have the following problems:

- If your child has special care of the tonsils. Continue treating tonsillitis satairakhda baby bath
It may take.

- tansilaitisa (infection) complex case of tonsillitis may stagnate around Pip.

- If the mother of tonsillitis infection may ganaune. Well, some time would be dohorirahana infection and tonsillitis.

- The legs of an unusually large tonsils appears only if it is the most complex. It can also be hidden from other diseases. So it is seen immediately garaihalnuparcha health test.

- The most important 'Streptococcus' was called by bacteria infection can cause heart problems if life. If not treated in time, and it may be some time after the heart of Bath 'rhyumetika Heart Disease "by making life may cause heart problems.

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