Saturday, May 20, 2017

I do not have and will not Maoists.

Flood against the country to observe the ducks raised me is the mentality of our Nepalese, and nostalgia about the reputation of .Subsidies. The Prime Minister and the President of that, even when! However, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the khamdida! Where nominated and appointed as corrupt and mulukamara that all ears, even when the oil! This revolution in such extreme circumstances, I have never heard of anything like it. But the mayor position for what game this is taking place today?

Who does not accept your victory when you filed nomination opposition had kurlinu. Or the Election Commission on the same day that you are the prime candidates daughter because she had to make subtle rules. Then you thiinau prime minister and daughter? Nepal Prime Minister, and other relatives, and in the past some are relieved of responsibility for the example of not?

I know I have seen whenever he dominated every division kutumbakai relationship. Matrika Prasad Koirala as some major example, BP Koirala, girijaprasada Koirala, Sushil Koirala, Prakash Koirala, Shekhar Koirala, Nona Koirala, Lila Koirala, sasanka Koirala, Sujata Koirala, Shailaja Acharya, including all Koirala was the same house Stove eat. Ganesh Man Singh, his wife and son Prakash Singh mangaladevi Singh were also open, so succession. Sahana Pradhan of the same by Lal and his wife were also putting political leadership. Manmohan Adhikari, Mohan Adhikari Brothers are brothers.

Madan Bhandari, Vidya Bhandari are the husband and wife. DR. Sharan Mahat and Prakash Sharan Mahat, who is also the brother brother. Sher deupa and Arzu Rana also big talent deupa husband and her mother-in-deupaki. Minister Baburam Bhattarai and people including the succession of the couple. Arjun Nursing Casey, and his Minister of jvaim Gagan Thapa are now. Sunil Thapa, Minister Surya Bahadur Thapa, his son, and the eldest son of Rastriya Chand Jayant did. Kamal Thapa said his brother Ganesh Hon. Nectar has been known to record a hassle and Laxmi Shakya. Krishna Chandra Prakash Mainali Mainali and siblings were also the same kyavinetama apartment; Etc. etc. ekaghara repeated various times in the family who looks rahiaekai political officials. And now what timrabare Minister without child, so that the crime of the mayor who loudly deusire bhatyauna sikaecha somehow!

Renu sister!

So this time your potential (imaginary) victory over polls seem to point in tumult, no I did not. Today, you infamous and the opposition jealous, envious, and as the heat is transmitted to the head is about me.

I do not have and will not Maoists. If the nationalist Maoist work I am prasansaka national work I am cynical. Many solely upon the nation, and I am dalavadi not individualistic. Carrying the head of the nation, the nation of any person to die and live are dear to me.

The children should also conform to the trend of pitamata filed arkokura I think not. Because our Savior hiranyakasyapu and Prahlad and kansa and Krishna also does not lack for example. In this context, a conscious awareness of the citizens, as another citizen of a gross injustice to me it is hard to cope with the situation prevailed spoken. So true that, well kept, and the tears rising in Nepal run by men. This tragic situation all over the country's future could be led by the law of the country and the people narikai paumtheki relief that I am a glimpse of hope. Therefore, the possible victory this time will be pleasant to me showed a glimmer of hope.

Dear sister Renu!

You must win this election; Victory and something for the country and also show. But you are about to lose some strength and having the same. It is also not that you absolutely nothing. Noted for being envious, wanting to throw our culture is that! In the coming days, even as you are able, qualified and able to go through the janchyau trusting your enemies so steep that it is easy to Nepal text; Read.

Gold shines as if you just came out of the agabata even now, I am in earnest wish golden day. Therefore, it is crucial for you guru. Although the entrance to the old look of defeat for you your future it collected the most victory is to achieve the constant power.

Renu! At the end of one thing, though again that I janchu "Golden your future career to flourish"; I have done that you wish for an auspicious tributes.

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