Friday, March 17, 2017

And that's really impossible!, Mouth write Secondary Education Examination

20-year-old Bharat Gurung Ratnanagar -16 khairetika caldainana hands. Kokhabatai mother was born crippled. He also clearly speak, dance limbs. At the forefront of many minds, he studies the student. Hand can not be written, but it is also incapable of refusal to forcefully. He never bothered himself weak less fortunate than others, but in education as much as he sapanga are fast. Ratnanagar 16 in the Bhadrakali High School, he had second class of test exam. In today's post daily news Chitwan.
Thursday started this year Secondary Education Examination (esaii) and oral examinations in the quake. He is the only student to the district writing exam oral Ratnanagar response, the janajagrti -14 Secondary Examination Center examination are given. Uncle's son, brother and village centers puryaidie examination by one of them on a motorcycle. He was not walking.
"Bring the class room, the two men on a motorcycle 'janajagrti Secondary School Principals, Binod Adhikari said," Though we walk in the studies said Bharat had the fastest. "The first day of the English exam of the mouth of the household, he said. Another student wrote that his characters mouth the best, he said. Students participating in writing the information into the mouth of the disabled after 15 minutes when District Education Officer Govinda Aryal further shew him kendradhyaksasameta had directed the principal. He said according to the same test.
'Write some uncomfortable questions were not difficult to solve' exam has left Gurung said, "is to instill confidence in me, too '. Writing from the mouth due to a prep accustomed to, he said. He writes mouth. The tongue of the copy sheet and the book guidebooks. His plan is to be able to study higher education. Secondary Education exam are confident he is deceased. 'Good results bring higher education to read the plan is "Gurung said," We have not fail this test also think I am successful. "Gurung Bhadrakali Secondary 2 are read from the start. He did not fail until now Principal of the school said that Buddhi Bahadur Thapa. 'Bharat other students are as capable, "he said," He was a mental mouth are successful. "
He also refused to give him more than the test partner. 'Examination centers ¥ m yaidinu case, I write myself, partner certain that said, "Principal Thapa said," It is his confidence. "
General economic conditions have taken birth as a member of the family household Gurung is a different issue. 15 years ago by his father to marry a second mother, Chandra left bharataki. The father could not care shutdown Chandra home. He was carrying his two sons have been living in a home that. Brian and his brother by duhkhajelo helpless candramayale teaching, she has come. Weak economic conditions bharatalai generation of higher education for the economic crisis has been seen. This year, secondary education examination (esaii) in Chitwan district, 12 thousand 233 students are participating.

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