Sunday, March 12, 2017

Arju money after Britain refused visas laid a complaint ...

KATHMANDU, March 27. Arzu Rana Deuba also in England there has not yet read the name of the Son of treatment. But, how to get there was to do a roll is that of a yarn.No.I'm. MP himself, an active campaigner for social change, purvaprama wife, the first woman to accomplish. He would still be red passport, the world duleki times.

Even though the latter patyaiena him. Processing of passports from visa bhiephaesamarphata returned empty. Then she fell and sat himself in Delhi and access their influence to use it. So you finally received a visa in a week. He lived in London now have the same visa. We understand why this happened to know that someone was really into the complaints regarding the property purification.

That is the reason he refused to give a visa solved the British High Commission.

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