Monday, March 20, 2017

Gagan Thapa says that the constitution can be amended at any time

Kathmandu, April 7. Health Gagan Thapa, indigenous nationalities, Dalits, women, Madhesi rights of the oppressed as soon as possible to achieve the implementation of the Constitution has stressed.

The Constitution can be amended at any time, now the local government election is inevitable, for all levels and sections of the support required.

At the fifteenth anniversary of the National Dalit Commission, Minister Thapa ethnic untouchability could be irregularities in the making of laws to remain alert even saying urged. "The Constitution can be amended at any time, now the local government election is inevitable, the need for cooperation at all levels and suggested that," he said.

Protecting the achievements of the parliament more rights for Dalit communities, roads and the party was a struggle, he said. Equal access to health for all his health vimasambandhi Act passed by Parliament, he expressed his commitment to implement.

Acting Chairman of the State Commission Radhe Paswan caste discrimination and untouchability (Crime and Punishment) Act, 2068 to be strictly implemented in different parts of the country due to unexpected events grew Discrimination has said. Neglected, the oppressed, the oppressed classes Development Committee Vice wisdom Nepali state policy for equal participation of all Dalit community stressed on the need. Similar to the mainstream community participation in the development of the Kingdom of Dalit upliftment of the Dalit community had been established for the 2058 Commission on March 6. RSS

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