Saturday, March 4, 2017

Interesting fact, that man's age also increases

Agency. Women's chest for men is considered a center of attraction. It also brings out the beauty of women is brought. Because there as more kamuka chest, kasila and make great efforts to women are different

For this purpose, in a developed country in recent days, including bre@ast implants and other methods have gained much. Some interesting facts we have here related chest, finds itself to be generally unaware of the rich chest can:

A woman in Brazil, the world's largest bre@ast of Shelah Hershey. 9 in bre2ast surgery and in 200 by making a few gallons of liquid silicon stanabhitra khamdepachi his chest has become very large. Her bre@ast size is 38 KKK. But the name of the world's great natural chest, she said women are nomastitja. US DOT oraji go tapalesa name of feminist NGOs. It is something for the protest demonstration bre@ast makes the main weapon.

This NGO protests by women are tapalesa. Two interesting things is that women are not the same size bre@asts. Left bre@ast is bigger than the size of the right bre@ast. But it is difficult to detect the size of the gap between women themselves.

The man should be ashamed of it at first glance there is no reason women should vaksasthalamai. It seems that women can tanneriharuko eyes to how much depends on the beauty of their chest. More interesting point is that one day the eyes of at least one minute bosom women to wear men's lifespan is also increased. The reason for optimism is the coming man Psychology.

According to a survey of British women to make the company thrampako bra chest is bigger than other European women. European women in Denmark for the deceased woman second big chest, the third position in Holland. In Europe, most are small-sized chest of women in Italy.

The average bre@ast weighs half a kg. The total weight of the two bre@ast woman's body weight is as a percentage. Excessive amounts of fat in the bre@ast is. Age also contributes to increasing the proportion of fat in the bre@ast. Older female bre@ast milk glands dry as it has taken place, the fat is.

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