Wednesday, March 1, 2017

"Light as a worry, I've seen plenty of sugars, such as home

Feb 18, 2073- The main opposition party UML leader KP Oli program expense is going to be taking lightly, saying, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Sher funds are warned.
He seemed to constitutional legitimacy of the opposition parties to disrupt the meeting, stating that he would only kind of expression twice as Oli warned to take care of. "Home country is a party or in a particular area is not," UML Mechi Mahakali campaign, said on Wednesday the press conference Chairman Oli said, 'insinuation because kanuai unpleasant incident scrutinized his responsibility to take mouth grhamantrijyu it' laitali 'underestimate you like home as we we have also seen. '

According to the constitution, the main opposition party with its peaceful program to go to the people and tried to find offensive, he said Lila. "I remind him of his role is to protect the peace. We simply can program our vitholdainau peaceful, "Oli said," If anyone comes to jeopardize our samjhaunuparnecha. '

According to a particular political party, but only after people need to understand the Mechi-Mahakali Campaign is going to operate against anyone made it clear that it is referring to Oli. 'Misleading tried to make things clear two. This unity and awareness campaign led by the Nepal-UML have only some, not against it in favor of unity. "

Due to problems within the ruling parties tried to prevent elections being accused Oli. Paksabhitrakai power of one election and the other party Madhesi Front, to prevent the election of the limelight because of power being created in this issue bhanirahekole Oli was the idea.
"The problem is we have not sattapaksabhitra. How to fix is ​​their thing, "said Chairman Oli. Amendment to the constitution need for the abolition of the parliament have argued that the party was not. Some people may be applied to the constitution made 9 0 percent reject the idea that the party was not justified.

Not only represents the Madhesi dalarule Caught in the past election results, saying Oli attention to take care of him. "They won 11 seats not stipulated? People have the bhulacuka corrects the next election, "President Oli said, 'You guys are talking frankly vaktitvakala garnuchairana Let Us election.'

Chairman Oli Constitution Amendment Bill in the process of taking the election the Prime Minister said that the atmosphere becomes relaxed scrutiny due to the role information. But the valley and hills as the burnable uddesyasatha This proposal in no way passed upon their Oli claimed not.

"Taking part in the process of democracy, according to accept the outcome, but he also refuses to confront the results? 'Chairman Oli said.

UML General Secretary Ishwar Pokharel State conducting a press conference that the main people 'speaking style hooligan naikeko argued. 'Such a person must understand that the conclave garnuuhumdaina light joke, "Secretary Pokharel said," Our program, we reject any obstacles if we namratapurvaka.'

UML Secretary Yogesh Bhattarai processions and assembled to prevent confusion administration and special care garaisakekale dhyanakasarna made to the government. Thousands of people will be operational as taking it lightly, he urged. UML leaders of the Madhesi Morcha urged to khyalana program.

"We have told the leaders of the Madhesi Morcha is not the target anyone else," he said. UML all the major cities in the Terai from February 31 until March 5 on the central CC will rally and meeting. UML for every thauko Assembly appealed to the local languages ​​has issued 6.

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