Friday, March 3, 2017

Nepal 8 trillion 30 billion commitment to invest in China, another country how?

Capital investment conference issued 13 billion worth of investment in different countries and a half has been committed.
The government estimates that 1 billion investment commitment comes from 13 billion 52 billion commitment. China has been the most commitment. 8 billion to 30 billion commitment from China. Bangaladesabata 2 trillion 40 billion, the UK and Japan 1-1 billion, 50 billion and India $ 31 billion commitment to Sri Lanka from the industry ministry said.
For this sector, the Ministry of Industry, Investment Board and a committee will be formed in coordination with the National Planning Commission said. The committee coordinating role for these projects in the country will invest.
Hydropower has the highest investment commitment.

Continue in the capital Thursday 'investment samitama energy, infrastructure, tourism, information technology, financial sector, mining and minerals, agriculture and presented a working paper to describe how those inherent separately in various areas, including the investment for the region has been committed.

The investment in different sectors of industry Regency jalavidyutadekhi Nabindra Joshi has informed commitment. "This investment in additional energy for movement," he said.

Saying the appropriate destination for investment in various sectors of the political parties and the government had asked.

Investment conference organized by the Ministry of Industry expiring today. Indian Finance Minister Arun jetli conference is also present. Similarly, half of the world are participating in the 2 hundred investors.

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