Sunday, March 26, 2017

Now only a wedding ceremony to take a maximum of 150 found

April 13, 2073- Now marriage has been found to take up to 1 hundred 50 wedding. Wedding music and wedding sahayogisahita more than a hundred 50 janabhandi or not to take the law variyata State Affairs Committee of Parliament have been. The State Committee of the Parliament three years to improve social behavior rib Bill 2071 passed on Sunday before the promulgation of the rules in the process is increased.
According to the new rules and said the wedding and marriage except up to 5 hundred 1 of 2 hundred and 51 other social behavior will be a feast to join is found. Government wedding feast at most up to 3 hundred and 50 and other programs by keeping a hundred after only Bill had been submitted to Parliament.
This sub-committee formed under the coordination of the committee members Rameshwar phuyalako number has increased. Phuyalasahita Kasheem Ali siddhiki, love dilapidated and Rabindra Pratap Shah, the committee proposed the government to keep a wedding by more than is recommended.
Purely religious, social work or welfare spending for the sake of work will be organized as a group and work to raise the case of the objective of this legislation is not applicable restrictions. Now the bill will be tabled in parliament.
Social behavior is simple, clean, economical and dignified legal provisions regarding the pretty 38 year old social behavior to improve the Act, a bill designed to parirmajana 2033 to. The bill badhida marital property transaction is to take place in. Bride groom party party party and the bride a dowry or not to take any dowry or not the joint is called.
Bride groom wedding party dress and a maximum of 60 grams of gold or equivalent amount crashing popular jewelry and the bride groom side side current price of up to 40 grams of gold or the equivalent in the amount of jewelry can give the bill is law. The Home Ministry had sent gold also has additional sub-scale. Both sides 40 days to receive gramamatra anonymity was proposed.
Liediema dowry in accordance with the claimed amount seized by fines or three months imprisonment, or both Vigo be punished by the law is. 50 thousand to Rs failure to give dowry and took one and a half months of imprisonment or a fine or both penalties will be called. Take or give dowry or Tilak by the agreement automatically deemed to have been reversed.
Tilak or dowry or bride duvaha party had not guarantee or at least given day or not because party or the bride groom wedding party to refuse to block or hinder the objective is to bring the provision in the bill.
Bill said, "on behalf of the groom or the bride or the expense of going to a wedding or education, trade, business or the groom or the bride's personality development cost about or seek or take sides or give another party of electricity."
The groom or the bride party wedding party or variyata outgoing cash or in kind gift is not mentioned in the bill. Similarly, the wedding of the Government of Nepal to restore service as part of the government to take bajavalako has said he will not wear.
Duwachour Now the Army, Nepal Police, Armed, or play a musical band playing music team will not go to the wedding of common public. This is in violation of the law if it is 50 thousand rupees to pay fines. Similarly, the program decided to marry the bride and groom side dulahabaheka 25 side is allowed to participate in more than 35 dulahibaheka rule is made.
The program, the groom or the bride party party bride groom khusirajile more than 10 grams of gold or other gifts to take over for its current value barabarabhanda is not mentioned.
Armed Police Force on Sunday in connection with the Regulation Amendment Committee studies, including the sub-committee has adopted a report to -2073. The Committee aitabarabatai torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment to control the action with regard to the law and the Bill -2071 annual report of his Committee has initiated discussions.

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