Friday, March 3, 2017

Saudi king's visit to Asia: 506 and 15 hundred people TLifting

Feb 20, 2073- a month-long Asia tour aimed at increasing economic relations began to have reached Saudi Arabian King Salman Indonesia on Wednesday. About 15 members of the team are hundred of his visit. In which more than one hundred guards, 25 princes and 10 ministers are involved. Kantipur been Contributed |

Tour Team 6 Boeing passenger jet had come to Indonesia. The team will be using the same military equipment oasarapasarama Hercules was then carried bimanamarphata. Cargo 5 hundred 6-ton, two Mercedes Benz and two gold gilded Electric Elevator was brought to Indonesia.

Indonesia cargo company quoted in the local media mentioned that he visited the team's only for luggage, apart from 5 hundred 72 workers were deployed. For 81-year-old King salamanale Biman Orlin gilded Elevator (vidyutii ladder) was used.

Saudi royals are popular for pleasure. Peoples are living in government Surveillance would become Saudi king visits around their headline.

However, Asian countries have made visits to the Saudi king and the Asian country's jumbo team of experts to reflect the importance of the matter. Declining oil prices, Saudi King Is this when you want to join in other experts for the countries economic prosperity is squeeze.
During his visit to the King of Saudi experts that have commented on the performance of the sanalai power.

Saudi king since November last year a plan to visit during the Asian Brunei, Japan, China and the Maldives also will visit.

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