Sunday, March 19, 2017

Such a trend in our Nepal

Sunita (name changed), the wife of a migrant worker from Khotang district, said, "People in the village started gossiping that I had an extra-marital affair with a man I had hired to help me with farm work. I totally denied this many times, but no one believed me. The rumour even reached my husband who got so angry that he stopped contacting me, sending me money or receiving my calls. I felt very lonely, stressed out and isolated, and could not sleep. Whenever I saw people talking, it felt like they were talking about me. I can not explain the trauma and mental stress I was going through. I stopped taking care of myself and the children. I even thought of committing suicide. A psychosocial counsellor heard about me and visited my home. When all my family members, relatives and neighbours were against me, the presence and support of the psychosocial counsellor was a big support to me. I had many sessions with her. I started thinking about how to deal with this problem and make my life better. Following the psychosocial counsellor's advice and motivation, I talked to my husband and convinced him that there was no truth in the talk about me. I also told him how much the children and I were suffering. Now, I do not care about such gossip anymore. I have learnt to avoid them and have started investing my energy in my children, husband and managing the home. I need to be stronger to deal with this situation and take care of my family. "

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