Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The body is weak, eat these ten food

Hawker that the 'object is the body' sometimes fluctuate so frequently. Always healthy body does not feel himself. Sometimes the flesh is weak and slack banidincha package. Body weakness, if these measures apanaunuhosh

1. Drinking a glass of juice daily spinach matches the body energy.

2. A glass of milk, a teaspoon of honey and a little turmeric fully weakness tends to regular eating.

3. In the morning and evening daily two banana milk disappear noticing weakness.

4. Pomegranate grain dried mashed with a teaspoon of dust in the morning and in the evening a regular eating energy from the body.

5. Chokada four-five, two-three cashew, peanuts mixed with a glass of milk, two loaves, and a teaspoon of turmeric mixed with regular drinking weakness, not Egyptian.

6. Amla the dust mixed with the Egyptian daily sutnubhandaaghi dhulosamga eat a teaspoon of powder.

7. A glass of milk, a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of a four-part mixed with honey comes from eating the flesh is crisp.

8. At five teaspoon of gram dal have a glass of fresh milk and raisins mixed with the Egyptian daily drink that water, and in the morning the body is thrown weakness.

9. Two tablespoons of fenugreek water atone for five hours. Two teaspoon of honey mixed with boiled water and eat plenty of regular training.

10. A cup of grape juice daily meal diet the body becomes energetic. Health polling.

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