Saturday, March 4, 2017

Trividdhara FSU election results were made public, ANNISU first (growers)

KATHMANDU, March 21. Tribhuvan University Student Union election results on Wednesday made public. According to the TU campus premises were 251 constituencies in the first place, close to the UML.

Mataparinamaanusara far ANNFSU Campus and community college campuses under 9, under 99 and 108 Campus has achieved victory.

Similarly, the Nepal Student Union and the Community College campuses under 8, under 77 and 85 to overcome the mataparinamale campus is shown. NSU has risen to second place.

All the same (Revolutionary) has 4 campuses and 46 community kyampasagari 50 place to ensure his victory has.

Other organizations National Democratic Student Union 3, Nepal Revolutionary Student Union 1, the Federal Courts 1, row 1, the new power 1, all victories are sixth in 1 location.

251 Election of six campus

1) anerasvaviyu angikatarpha 9, 99 and 108 community schools campus victory.

2) nevisangha angikatarpha 8, 77 and 85 community schools campus prevail.

3) Union (Revolutionary) - angikatarpha 4, 46 and 50 community schools campus prevail.


National Democratic Student Union 3
Nepal Revolutionary Student Union 1
Federal Courts 1
stir 1
New Power 1
All sixth 1

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