Wednesday, March 22, 2017

We are defended from the Regmi Nepal, sahdainau

At the invitation of the Defense Ministry of Sri Lanka and Nepal, China's State Councilor and Defense Minister General Chang Wanquan on Sunday embarked on a visit to the two South Asian countries. As observers started to predict that the tour could unnerve New Delhi, such analysis was swiftly verified by Indian media.The tone of a report in the Hindustan Times sounds vigilant and sour. Claiming that Chang's visit to Nepal and the first ever China-Nepal joint military drill has made New Delhi "nervous," the newspaper also noted that the Nepalese government "can not afford to say no to Beijing," as if China is carrying a stick around when interacting with its neighbors.The truth is, however, it is India that has been treating South Asia and the Indian Ocean as its backyard with a hard-line manner. Its uneasiness toward Beijing's growing influence in the region is obvious. For instance, New Delhi is one of the crucial reasons why China and Bhutan, which is controlled by India economically and diplomatically, have not yet established diplomatic relations.

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