Thursday, March 9, 2017

His Seti Hospital treatment is bhairahekae

Headache for the government, as one of important topics for amending the Constitution. The government points to the amendment when the party chairman napugiraheko Thapa government is to realize the strategic importance. Revision of the Constitution in opposition to the process of amending the party, Deputy Prime taken with consensus is clear. RPP and RPP Nepal ekikaranapachi the party has 37 seats. The majority to amend the constitution to bring that process is exciting for the door.
Cat milk Witness: federalism, the Federal Affairs
Kamal Thapa, who ever wore the CA is opposed to such byatti. The first, opposed the election of the Constituent Assembly elected by PR najiti directives of a seat out of 4 seats in the Constituent Assembly of Nepal, then had entered.
The second Constituent Assembly election, a seat dowry proportional RPP was achieved matabatai 24 seats.
The federal system continued to object to the implementation of federalism mantralayamai have reached this point coming Thapa. Federalism is now the subject of an interesting opponent to take the initiative to maintain federalism would be.

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