Thursday, March 9, 2017

Now, when you got to save the country rose more than the brother of the party.

Indian Border Security Force sh*ot dhanagadhi SSB Kanchanpur rehabilitation 8, anandabajaranajika Nepalese border after the de@ath of a local youth are angry. The number of young people gathered on Friday in Dhangadhi hundreds Gaurifanta have reached the Indian border.

Nepal police tried to stop them avoid unpleasant event that has. Meanwhile, Indian police were alert in the border areas are living through.

Nepal police tried to stop them avoid unpleasant incidents have. Meanwhile, Indian police were alert in the border areas are living through. In view of the probable state of alert in the border region nakasahitaka Gaurifanta Indian police were told.

Thursday -8 rehabilitation, construction anandabajaranajika border dispute kalbhartabare Indian police sh*ot 30-year-old had died of Gautam Govinda. Indian police invaded Nepalese territory migrants had used the pill.

Indian security forces have been injured in Firing 6. SSB Wednesday closure simavari aaera young Nepalis were beaten. Nepali opposition protesters oppression of the local Indian security Nepali outdoors aaera before sho*oting. Indian sh*ot de@ad by security gaaitamakae local Govinda had di!ed.

Suresh Thapa was sh*ot de@d by Indian security forces have been ser@iously i!njured. Hospital for treatment to his i!njuries Seti is bhairahekae.

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