Monday, March 20, 2017

This is 1 of the Treaty 9 50

KATHMANDU, July 11 - Nepal and India in 1 9 50 to the Treaty of the debate with occasionally. During this time the Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj to visit Nepal also found prominence in this perspective. The two countries also agreed to review the treaty has been. The then 1 9 50 of the Treaty?
1 9 50 of the Treaty (in 1 9 50 July 31)
1. AB between the Government of Nepal and the Government of India shall be peace and friendship. Both the government of one another, both the full state, the state sector: mutual respect and independence and to agree to accept them.
2. No nation may come to the great disturbance or breach of the friendship between what the two governments regarding the matter that undermines the possibility of something so contrary to both the government responsibility to guarantee them the news.
3. Vargahasahita representatives of employees, both current international standard to agree with the ambassador.
4. Contrary to both the government Consulate generals, kansuletaharu, vice kansuletaharu, other types of appointment Consulate and representatives agree with the city, port and other locations will reside.
5. The Government of Nepal, India and Nepal the way the state sector or the state security sector for the sake of armor needed, call-on land, ammunition, ammunition, and importation of goods is apidhakara. Contrary to the advice of the government making the settlement on two actions will determine.
6. Both the government of India and Nepal of which was camaraderie pratikasvarupa state-owned industrial and economic development of the ideal government, the glories of his country and join their national behavior such vikasasambandhi concession and thekkaharuma day does guarantee.
7. The Government of Nepal and the Government of India in its territory the glories of another country of residence, property pleasure, business, commerce, work, and other similar privileges concerning the mutual calaphira taurale same privileges they receive the promise.
8. Contact jahamtaka here is what will be argued, and all this on behalf of the British Government and the Government of Nepal between India sandhipatrale the former all signatory, accept the letter, kabuliyatanamaharulai Dismisses.
9. This treaty was signed on the same date will be applied.
10. The treaty giving the league a letter to the country 1-year repayment nakhojesamma will continue to the end.

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